City guides are all over the Web ranging from online newspaper sites to independently published travel oriented guides to complete drek. We'll be adding to the listing below on an ongoing basis, so if you have a suggestion for an addition, email us.
International City Guides
Off to London A Traveller's Guide to London
This is London - associated newspaper group site.
LondonLive - from the BBC
Off to Paris A Traveller's Guide to Paris
Paris - official tourist office site
Paris, France - museums, gudies, maps, hotels, restaurants, history...
Paris Travel Guide
Off to New York A Traveller's Guide to New York
London Tourist Board the Official London site
Rome Guide - information in English and French
Rome Insider's Guide - How to enjoy and survive in the eternal city.

Softguide Sites for:
Madrid - travel and time out guide by softguides
MadridMan Madrid - links directory for Madrid
Barcelona - official city guide
Dublin - travel and time out guide
Barcelona - travel and time out guide
Tokyo - travel and time out guide

Stockholm, Sweden
Moscow, Russia, official tourist site ot the gov't
Edmonton, Canada
Zurich, Switzerland
Copenhagen, Denmark- official tourist board site plan your visit, what to do, what's going on and much more
Wonderful Copenhagen- Practical information before and during your stay in Copenhagen
Helsinki- official city guide
Vienna- official tourist board site
Rio de Janiero City Guide- Flash, in English
Rio de Janiero for Beginners-practical information for first time visitors